My House-Poetry
I look out the window
Of my safe and sheltered house
People walk by
Smiling in the sun,
How can they smile
When people out there
Are living in destitute,
Fighting for their home.
I eat my food,
Don’t want any more
So I Throw. It. Out.
While people all around
Rummage through trash
To find a sliver of food
Moldy, Smelly, Gross,
But, Hey it’s food.
NO! They deserve more
We walk around
With an imaginary crown
Rimmed with gold
And topped with jewels
Because we have what WE need.
So, enjoy your house,
And your delightful food
Because just like them,
It could be taken away
In an instant.
Along with that crown,
And smile you wore.
Worthless now.
(Poetry submissions)