Message from a Con:
Hello, I find it difficult to thank shareholders for their donation and participation at the end-of-year gala. Would you be able to assist me with this?
Hi, con,
You’re right that one should always write a thank you letter for a donation. Make sure you read our guide on how to write a donation thank you letter if you haven’t already. In addition, you must thank these donors for attending the end-of-year gala as well.
Here is an example to give you an idea of what this thank you note could look like:
Dear Shareholder, Thank you for your continued support of (our organization). It would be impossible to (carry out the functions of our organization) without your contributions and those like them. Your donation of $2000 will be used to... (by providing a specific purpose for the money, the donor can visualize how his contribution can be used.) You were also welcome to attend the gala at the end of the year. As we know our sponsors are busy people, we appreciate the opportunity to show our appreciation, and the end-of-year gala gives us that opportunity. So again, thank you so much for your support. May you have a happy and prosperous year. Sincerely, (Your Name)
By thanking someone for attending an event, you are basically thanking them for their time.
You acknowledge the donation donor’s time commitment when you acknowledge their busy schedule, even if the event you host is to thank shareholders.
I hope this helps.