We all wish we could say thank you to our mothers a little more often. Here are some great ideas for thanking a mom, including some quotes and samples of thank you notes.
Obviously, a good mother is the most influential person in a child’s life. Mothers often make sacrifices that go unrecognized and unappreciated, but today is different!
Taking your mother’s love and care for granted is easy, but instead, try to find ways to thank her for everything she does for you. Thank her both for the sacrifices she made in the past and for the love and guidance, she continues to provide today.
Check out our Thank You Poems for Parents.
Tips for Thanking Your Mother
You don’t have to spend a lot of money for every thank you. A fabulous gift would probably be appreciated by your mother, but there are plenty of ways to say thank you without breaking the bank. Here are a few ideas.
The best thank you for most mothers is spending time with their children. It is easy to become so busy with your own life that spending time with your parents becomes a very low priority.
The best way to thank your mother is to spend an hour or two each weekend having lunch or just chatting. She will likely value this more than any extravagant gift.
- A thank you note to your mother is something that she is sure to treasure for years. Take the time to spell out how all of her dedication as your mother has changed your life and helped to make you the person that you are today. A thank you note is truly one of the best ways to thank your mother. It is something that she will likely reread again and again. When writing a thank you note, keep the following things in mind:
- A handwritten note is better than a typed one Even chicken scratch will be more memorable than a typed letter.Be specific.
- Rather than saying “thank you for being such a great mom,” provide specific details, such as how she never made you walk home from school in the rain or how she always made holidays special.
Here are some quotes and examples to help you write your own thank you note.
Great Thank You Mother Quotes
Here are a few quotes that you may consider using in a thank you note to your mother.

If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been. – Robert Brault

God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. -Jewish Proverb

I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. – Abraham Lincoln

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. – Marion C. Garretty

No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you – life – Unknown
Check out our Full Collection of Thank You Quotes.
Mother Thank You Note Examples
Here are two great examples of thank you notes for mothers. It can be helpful to see a few examples of thank-you cards written by others before writing your own.
Example #1

Dear Mom, My thoughts today turned to the numerous blessings that have come my way. Many of these blessings can be traced directly back to you. Since I can remember, you have always shown me what it means to be a person of honor and integrity. I saw how you put others first and made choices that would benefit the family as a whole. I often look back to my childhood for ideas and inspiration now that I have a family of my own. As I did, my kids now enjoy custom-made floppy hats during their pancake birthday breakfasts. In addition, I know I can call you for advice, and that makes me feel very secure in my role as a parent. Thank you, Mom. I know a lot of people say this, but I really do have the best mother in the world. Love you, Your Daughter
Example #2

Dear Mom, It is hard to believe that I will be leaving for college next weekend. Although I'm nervous, I know I'm ready. I am sure that many of the skills and values you have taught me will be useful throughout my lifetime. I must admit that I'm a bit spoiled. Your singing and smiling will wake me up in the mornings. I'll miss your delicious dinners and the silly notes you leave for me all over the house. For all that you have done for me, there is no way I can repay you, so I will try to repay you by living a life that will make you proud of me. I love you, Mom! Love, Your Son
How Do You Thank Your Mother?
We’ll publish your best ideas here to inspire others! Share your best ways to thank your mom!
Possible Ideas:
- Thank you poems for your mother
- More great thank you quotes
- Creative thank you gift ideas
- A thank you card you’ve designed
…and thanks!