You may be intimidated by writing thank-you notes to teachers, but is there anyone you think deserves them more?
As the saying goes, “A good teacher explains.”. A superior teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires.”
Everyone can recall a teacher who made a positive impact on their education and life.
You may be intimidated by writing thank-you notes to teachers, but is there anyone you think deserves them more?
As the saying goes, “A good teacher explains.”. A superior teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires.”
Everyone can recall a teacher who made a positive impact on their education and life. Who has inspired you the most?
You may be intimidated by writing thank-you notes to teachers, but is there anyone you think deserves them more?
As the saying goes, “A good teacher explains.”. A superior teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires.”
Everyone can recall a teacher who made a positive impact on their education and life.
Who is the teacher that inspired you?
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The content of a thank you note depends on who is sending it. So, let’s go over the two possibilities: Parent —> Teacher and Student —> Teacher.
Parent Thank You Notes for Teachers
A grateful parent is perhaps the most worthy of thanking a teacher formally on countless occasions.
Organizing your thoughts before writing a thank you note to your child’s teacher is a good idea. Do you want to praise a specific event or the teacher’s overall efforts? As you sit down to write the note, make a list of the points you want to make.
A Parent -> Teacher Thank You Note Example

Dear Mrs. Nance, You may recall that my daughter was a little nervous on her first day of school last week. She had never attended this school before, and she desperately wanted to fit in. I appreciate you providing that for her. You greeted her with a warm smile and genuine affection, and she relaxed and began to enjoy her new surroundings. As we drove home after her first day of school, she couldn't stop talking about how "Mrs. Nance is so sweet, and Mrs. I sat next to Nance at lunch, Mrs. This is my favorite teacher, Nance! While I am sure this was a typical day for you, for my daughter it was a day made very special by your actions. We cannot thank you enough for making our daughter feel comfortable in her new classroom and excited to go to school every day. You can rest assured that your efforts are greatly appreciated if you ever wonder whether they are recognized. Many thanks! Amy Smith
Make sure you explain why you are thankful to the teacher. In the example thanks you note above, this mother cited the teacher’s efforts to make a new student feel welcome.
Illustrating your point with a specific example or mentioning an individual event can be very effective. Amy explained Amy’s specific reason for writing to Mrs. Nance by illustrating how shy and uncomfortable her daughter was.
It is nice to say thank you, but mentioning how the teacher’s actions affected the student strengthens the message of a thank you note. Amy assured Mrs. Nance that her actions were both recognized and appreciated in the note above.
Teacher Thank You Notes from Students
A Student -> Teacher Thank You Note Example

Dear Mr. Miller, At the risk of sounding obvious, I realize I may not be your prize Spanish student. In high school, I struggled to learn a second language. My job requires me to learn Spanish, so I entered your Introduction to Spanish class at the Adult Learning Center with trepidation. As soon as I met you, my once-poor opinion of foreign language teachers began to change. Instead of the superior attitude I expected, you greeted me warmly and with care. Your encouragement has meant so much to me! Especially, I appreciate the time you spent answering my questions before and after class. Your video series has proven immeasurably helpful, and I thank you for helping me learn Spanish, as it has not only allowed me to keep a job I love, but it has also ensured the financial security of my family. Thank you so much! Best, George Rubin
It’s nice to include a personal experience when writing a thank you note to a teacher. He admitted to Mr. Miller that he did not have a positive opinion of foreign language teachers before taking his class, but that Mr. Miller’s approach to his students positively affected him.
A specific outcome based on the teacher’s influence is a great way to demonstrate the teacher’s impact. George made sure to tell Mr. Miller that the video series he recommended aided his comprehension of the language and, ultimately, his ability to master it.
You can give the teacher you are thanking a better insight into the ripple effect of his teaching by explaining why you are grateful. George made sure to mention that Mr. Miller’s dedication to helping George learn Spanish enabled him to keep his job, which allowed him to provide for his family financially.
Sometimes a shorter, less detailed note is more appropriate.
Another Student -> Teacher Sample Note

Mrs. Kenney,
I appreciate you sending Jake's homework with his sister, Addie. Despite his physical recovery from surgery, Jake is mentally able to continue his classwork. Apparently, it makes his recovery period go by faster! He is looking forward to seeing you in class soon. Until then, keep it up!
Much appreciated,
Jane Lowe
Thank a Teacher Today
In the above note, thanks are given for something seemingly insignificant – sending Jake’s homework home. Despite this, Mrs. Kenney realizes that simply doing her job to keep Jake from falling behind in his classwork keeps Jake’s mind off the potential pain and boredom of recovery from surgery.
Thanks are always appreciated, and there’s no reason too small to write a thank you note for a teacher. The best way to remind a teacher that their work is incredibly valuable is to express your genuine appreciation.