The pastor’s wife may seem to be relegated to the shadows to the casual observer, but nothing could be further from the truth. Pastors have a difficult job. They must teach and create a faith-based education for parishioners. They must also pray over sick lists, visit the sick, and keep administrative responsibilities. Often, when pastors are called at odd hours or have another commitment after hours, their wives keep the home fires burning and provide much-needed emotional support.
When honoring the church’s first lady with a gift, words of encouragement for the pastor’s wife are crucial. And we’ve gathered a wealth of resources to assist you in writing the great words of appreciation for a Pastor and his Wife.
Don’t be frustrated if you can’t decide on just one sample first lady appreciation day and appreciation message. Scripture, song, poetry, or a quote are also excellent sources of inspiration. A sample leader’s wife’s gratitude bible phrase inscribed on a piece of naturally reflected crystal appreciation gift would be highly stunning.
Appreciation poems for the pastor’s wife would also fit in nicely. Remember, the sky is the limit as long as you start with something from your heart to get creative. Below are some samples of the pastor’s wife’s appreciation words.

Great words of Appreciation for a Pastor and his Wife

Your messages are full of insight, wisdom, and truth. Thank you for teaching God's whole counsel. I will be immensely grateful.

Pastor, you have been a tremendous help to my family. May God bless you and your family, as well as your profession.

I praise God for bestowing knowledge, wisdom, and understanding upon you. Your speeches are so inspiring that they motivate me to seek to accomplish God's will. Thank you for everything you do.

When I looked to be drifting away from Jesus, you brought me back in and assisted me in being close to him and focusing on him. Dear pastor, I appreciate your prompt attention.

I appreciate your kindness and compassion in the face of both sorrow and joy. Thank you for sacrificing time with your own family to become a part of our family.

You have repeatedly demonstrated that God called you into ministry since you pastored this church. Thank you for your service as a pastor.

You are a blessing to me, and I praise God for the tremendous and life-changing message you deliver to the church regularly.

Pastor, we appreciate you taking the time to come and pray with us when everything seems to be going wrong. Our family was awakened by the word of hope you gave to us. God bless you!

You are a counselor, advocate, teacher, and friend in addition to being a pastor. Thank you for always going above and beyond your pastoral responsibilities to satisfy these duties. We are grateful to you.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to know Christ through you. Thank you for respecting God's call. I'll be immensely grateful.

As a pastor, you are responsible for practicing your faith and sharing it with the rest of the community. Thank you for working for a cause bigger than yourself and being a true community leader.

It is both your duty and privilege to serve God and His people. You are the link between the spiritual world and our own. Thank you for delivering the gift of faith to every church member!

While it is simple to say God's word, it takes a particular skill to put it into context and preach it. Thank you for putting that gift to good use by making a difference in the lives of everyone in our church community!

You serve as a pastor and advisor, advocate, teacher, and friend to the community in your spiritual responsibilities. Thank you for consistently going above and beyond to accomplish these responsibilities!

As you have served this church for years, you have proven time and time again that God indeed called you to do this work. Thank you for all you do as a pastor, and know that I am always praying and advocating for you!

I appreciate you going above and beyond your role as a pastor, and I assure you that not only myself but the entire community will always be there for you.

I appreciate you, pastor, for sending me an inspiring word every day. May God abundantly bless you.

Thank you for your genuine compassion and empathy in my time of need. May you never be without assistance when you need it.

Thank you for allowing God to serve through you, a man of God. You're always a blessing route for us. I bless you in the name of Jesus.

Thank you for helping guide God's flock and strengthening our trust in Christ, pastor.

I appreciate your significant work, sacrifice, and participation in overcoming my difficulties in walking in the faith.
Poem for pastor’s wife:

We must thank God for two things
when we thank Him for our pastor.
Because when your husband first came to us,
Your presence is also a gift from God.
We are all blessed by your
presence on a daily basis.
As our pastor's wife, you serve
God in a very excellent way.

You have faithfully stood by the Man of God's side with Love, Support, Encouragement, and Faith, demonstrating true devotion to him and the work he has been called to do. The wife of a pastor is a unique position; it is not for the anxious or timid. So, without further hesitation, let me say that we congratulate you. Your smiles are ever-present, never old, each new, despite the never-ending demands and little recognition. You're a role model for the sister and a source of encouragement for the brother, all while following Christ's instruction to serve one another. You're greatly valued as a life-enriching influence. You are more than a Queen… You're the wife of a pastor.
Quotes for pastor’s wife

“The service of the pastor is selfless, the priest’s service is precious, and the services of the clergy are sweet. I’d be an ingrate if I failed to appreciate every bit of the roles you played in my life.“

“pastors are special but a pastor’s wife is a blessing”

“As my old professor Carl Sagan said so often, When youre in love, you want to tell the world. And I base my“

“The role of a Pastor is NOT to grow a big church. The pastor’s role is to grow mature disciples WHO MAKE DISCIPLES.” I appreciate you for demonstrating this kind of pastor.”

“God has blessed me in many ways. Money is not the greatest blessing, but I had absolutely nothing. For the first message that I preached at Life in the Word, I had to borrow a suit from my pastor’s wife because I didn’t have any decent clothes, and I was driving a 20-year-old car. We went through many years of having nothing, sleeping in McDonald’s parking lots because we didn’t have money to stay all night in a hotel. But, like anybody else who works hard and is diligent and doesn’t quit and give up, there is a day the blessings come.“